Divorce & Family Law
When both spouses are in COMPLETE agreement on:
The division of property and assets.
You need to sit down with your spouse and catalog every piece of property/assets you own and determine how it will be divided up.
Include bank accounts, retirement accounts, investment accounts, and pensions as well as your house and real property, and debts.
Child custody/ Parenting Plan
Will one of you be the primary caregiver, or will you share custody?
What will the visitation schedule be?
How will healthcare be handled?
Child support.
Georgia has guidelines and you should closely abide by them to avoid questions from the courts.
The divorce statutes that sets forth the rules for an uncontested divorce states that the petitioner must wait 31 days after the divorce complaint is filed with the court to then file a motion asking the court to consider signing the Final Order and Decree of Divorce. This does not mean you will be divorced in 31 days. There are other factors that will affect this such as case backlog, disagreement on any issues and if a hearing is needed.